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Vehicle Detection Method with Sub-stretching Based on Light Contrast in Fog Road Image

Myung-yoon LEE,  Hern-soo HAHN,  Young-joon HAN


Department of Electronic Engineering, Soosil University, Seoul 15 6-743, Korea


Abstract-In this paper, detection of a vehicle from a road im age with fog is focused to detect an vehicle from a foggy image. Because of the  fog in the image, a shape of an object is vague. Therefore an obstacle may o ccur on the vehicle detection. Thus, features from a foggy road image are survey ed through experiments, and a histogram is calculated with the bright value.  The stretching method is then applied with the specific weight as the centre to  detect a vehicle smoothly. If the high density area, from the view point of hist ogram, is applied with the stretching method, the definition of the image can be  increased. On this fact, this paper proposed a method to divide the histogram a nd to determine applicable range of the stretching method. The impr oved results by the proposed methods are proved with the comparison tests b etween the proposed and previous methods.


 Key words-forggy image; road image; sub-stretching;  histogram


Manuscript Number: 1674-8042(2011)01-0025-05


dio: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2011.01.07




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