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Optimization Route Algorithm Based on the Minimal Transfer Time and Distance

Hong-ping  HU(胡红萍), Min ZHAO(赵敏), Yan-ping BAI (白艳萍)


(School of Science, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051, China)


Abstract-The transfer system, an important subsystem in urban citizen passenger transport system, is a guarantee of public transport priority and is crucial in the whole urban passenger transport traffic. What the majority of bus passengers consider is the convenience and comfort of the bus ride, which reduces the transfer time of bus passengers. “Transfer time” is considered to be the first factor by the majority of bus passengers who select the routes. In this paper, according to the needs of passengers, optimization algorithm, with the minimal distance being the first goal, namely, the improved Dijkstra algorithm based on the minimal distance, is put forward on the basis of the optimization algorithm with the minimal transfer time being the first goal.


Key words-transfer; distance; optimization route


Manuscript Number: 1674-8042(2011)04-0333-04


doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.22011.04.007




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