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Building Technique for Intelligent Question-Answering System of Human-Computer with Restricted Domain in Natural Language


Ton-that-hoa AN, Cao-thi NHAN, Hyung-il CHOI, Gye-young KIM


(IT College, Soongsil University, Seoul 156-743, Korea)


Abstract-Most the information stored in databases is not yet directly provided to user by question-answering systems of human-computer. Whereas such systems will make automating many phases in information systems, as well as reduce intervening of human in these systems. So the matter of studying a technique that allows users asking information directly by a natural language on certain database is necessary and useful. However, to build up a general question-answering system in a natural language for all fields is too complex work in comparison with studied achievements on semantics at present. Furthermore, the applying of such system into each specific field has many limitations. For this reason, the building of a question-answering system with a restricted domain for answering-question in some specific field will be feasible, effective and has wider applying demand. With the above point of view, we present an application of theory of case-base reasoning (CBR), machine learning (ML) and techniques of natural language processing (NLP) to build a technique for intelligent question-answering system of human-computer with restricted domain in English. 


Key words-human-computer; intelligent systems; question-answering; restricted domain


Manuscript Number: 1674-8042(2011)supp1.-0028-06


doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2011.supp1.007




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