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Reliable cloud storage system for mobile devices using personal computer

Sanggeun Song, Junghoon Shin, Dong Cheng, Sangjun Lee


(Computer Science, Soongsil University, Seoul 156-743, Korea)


Abstract:In recent years, the use of mobile devices such as smart phones, tablet PCs, etc. is rapidly increasing. In case of these mobile devices, the storage space is limited due to their characteristics. To make up for the limited space of storage in mobile devices, several methods are being researched. Of these, cloud storage service(CSS), one of cloud computing services, is an efficient solution to compensate such limited storage space. CSS is a service of storing files to the storage and thus getting access to stored files through networks (Internet) at anytime, anywhere. As for the existing CSS, users store their personally important files in the cloud storage, not in their own computers. It may cause security problems such as the leaking of information from private files or the damaging to the information. Thus, we propose a cloud storage system which can solve the security problem of CSS for mobile devices using the personal computer. Our system is deigned to store and manage files through the direct communication between mobile devices and personal computer storages by using the software as a service(SaaS), one of computing services, instead of directly storing files into cloud storages.


Key words:cloud computing; storage service; mobile application


CLD number: TN929.53 Document code: A


Article ID: 1674-8042(2012)03-0255-05  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2012.03.012




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