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Obstacle detection using multi-sensor fusion


Qing Lin1, Youngjoon Han1, Namki Lee1, Hwanik Chung2


 Department of Electronic Engineering, Soongsil University, Seoul 156-743, Korea


Abstract: This paper presents an obstacle detection approach for blind pedestri ans by fusing data from camera and laser sensor. For purely vision-based blind g uidance system, it is difficult to discriminate low-level obstacles with clutter ed road surface, while for purely laser-based system, it usually requires to sca n the forward environment, which turns out to be very inconvenient. To overcome these inherent problems when using camera and laser sensor independently, a sens or-fusion model is proposed to associate range data from laser domain with edges from image domain. Based on this fusion model, obstacle's position, size and sh ape can be estimated. The proposed method is tested in several indoor scenes, an d its efficiency is confirmed.
Key words: obstacle detection; sensor fusion; electronic travel-aids



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