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Packaging category and its influencing factors of potassium nitrate


WEI Shao-jie1, TAN Ying-xin1, FANG Fan2


(1. School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051, China; 2. PLA Unit 63961, Beijing 100012, China)


Abstract: To understand the combustion characteristics of potassium nitrate and evaluate the magnitude of combustion risk, oxidation solid test apparatus is used and the updated experimental criterion of the United Nations is adopted to measure the packaging category of potassium nitrate. The new criterion puts calcium peroxide and microcrystalline cellulose as references and burning rate as evaluation index. Effects of mixing ratio and insert medium on burning rate are reached. Test results show that pure potassium nitrate doesn’t burn under normal temperature and pressure, however, its oxidation is very strong and the packaging category should choose the class Ⅰ. As the mass fraction of potassium nitrate reduces, the burning rate first increases and then decreases. When the ratio is 2∶1, the combustion rate reaches the maximum, and the effect of combustion is the best. When 1∶3, the combustion rate is the minimum. The mixture combustion can be suppressed by silicon dioxide and hydrogen phosphate, which is not fired when silica concentration is 40% or ammonium hydrogen potassium phosphate is 55%, their effects are very obvious.


Key words: potassium nitrate; packaging category; mixture ratio; inert medium; combustion rate


CLD number: O614.113  Document code: A


Article ID: 1674-8042(2016)04-0379-04  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042-2016-04-012




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卫少洁1,  谭迎新1,  方帆2


(1. 中北大学 化工与环境学院, 山西 太原 030051; 2. 中国人民解放军63961部队, 北京 100012)


摘要: 为了解硝酸钾的助燃特性, 以评价其燃烧危险性, 本文利用氧化性固体试验仪, 基于联合国最新的实验判定标准, 以过氧化钙和微晶纤维素作参照物, 以燃烧速率做评判指标, 测定了硝酸钾的包装类别, 并研究了混合比例和惰性介质浓度对其燃烧速率的影响。 结果表明:常温常压下纯硝酸钾并不燃烧, 但其氧化性极强, 其包装类别为 Ⅰ 类。 随着混合物中硝酸钾质量分数的减少, 混合物燃烧速率先增大后减小。 当混合比例为2∶1时燃烧速率最大, 助燃效果最好, 混合比例为1∶3时燃烧速率最小, 助燃效果最差。 惰性介质中二氧化硅、磷酸二氢铵都可以抑制混合物的燃烧, 当二氧化硅浓度为40%时混合物未被点燃, 当磷酸二氢铵浓度为55%时混合物未被点燃, 二者抑制效果都很明显。


关键词: 硝酸钾; 包装类别; 混合比例; 惰性介质; 助燃速率


引用格式:WEI Shao-jie, TAN Ying-xin, FANG Fan. Packaging category and its influencing factors of potassium nitrate. Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation, 2016, 7(4): 379-382. [doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2016-04-012]


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